12 Awesome Ways of Increasing your Shopify Store Revenue

12 Awesome Ways of Increasing your Shopify Store Revenue

Once your Shopify store is launched and running, it’s time to boost your site to increase the traffic and generate leads for better sales revenue. It doesn’t matter whether it’s going to be your first ever sale or you have been running your business since a while, it is always recommended that you keep yourself up-to-date on how to boost your Shopify store revenue in multiple ways.

In this blog, you will learn 12 awesome ways that helps in increasing your Shopify store revenue manifolds. Have a read below:

1. Push out Content Consistently

Pushing out content consistently helps in building brand awareness, as well as establishes credibility and authenticity of your Shopify store. You need to understand the importance of a well-developed content strategy for boosting up your Shopify store and bringing in more traffic, thereby leading to increased sales, as competition today is growing more than ever. Posting content pieces, articles and blogs frequently engages the audience, hence improving the brand recall, as well as optimizing the search engine rankings.

A number of e-commerce sites have realized the significance of optimal number of time to post on different social media channels, resulting in some great web traffic and revenues. To make it easier, here are the two very useful tool for scheduling you future content posts:

You can just simply integrate them with your browser and apps for scheduling posts to your social channels!

2. Use Social Reviews to Automate Word-of-Mouth

Recent study says, more than 80 percent of consumers rely on social media ratings and recommendations when making a purchase decision, therefore it is always a great idea to use positive word-of-mouth and social reviews for your products to increase online sales, in this digital era. It helps in gaining insights and building trust within the audience.

A review app, Yotpo, is present for Shopify users that helps the customers to leave in their reviews and comments after they make the purchases. It does not only helps in automating the process but also helps in creating fresh content, driving more traffic from social networks, which ultimately results in higher sales volume.

3. Get Your Hands in Email Marketing

Email marketing has the potential to instantly generate the organic traffic and target the right audience. It is also one of the most consistent and effective channels for acquiring new customers. You can set up a collection of automated email campaigns  that would help you save time and energy and are designed to increase your sales volume. There are numerous ways to do that, few of them are:

  • Emailing new subscribers/visitors and offering them an incentive to shop.
  • Emailing new customers a post-sale email to upsell and delight.
  • Emailing visitors who abandoned their cart and reminding them to finish their purchase.


4. Make Your Products Viral

You must add appropriate social share buttons or links landing to your product pages to prompt your potential customers to share them as much as they can before making any purchases. This way, you will be able to reach out to the larger audience, thereby increasing the traffic and boosting online sales of your Shopify store.

Be sure that these social share buttons are easy to locate so that there is minimum effort involved. It is likely that you would want to customize your share buttons as per the your store aesthetics but sometimes such buttons gets visually lost and goes unnoticeable, in that case it is worth swapping them back to their original colors to make it prominent.

5. Leverage & Promote Infographic

To potentially build backlinks and drive more traffic, it is recommended that you invest in infographic that is designed by an industry professional. For example, a bicycle Shopify store front can possibly create an infographic that talks about the significance of bicycling and its environmental benefits.

The basic steps that you should follow to create such infographic are, choosing an idea, researching on the topic and finally identifying the points that you would like to cover in it, which can be then sent to the professional designer as a direction.

These kind of infographic and messages not only speak to your customer base, but also is compelling enough that many news sites and even blogs might want to feature and link back to it.

6. Prioritize Search Engine Optimization

Even though it takes a while to get going, search offers one of the few opportunities to build foreseeable and compounding web traffic. A highly effective search strategy entails several steps, from developing a keyword strategy, to conducting more granular keyword research, to optimizing your website architecture and overall performance (e. g. category pages), to creating links back again to your website. Just like I stated, it’s an uphill battle, however is really the one you can deal with in the background as your store begins to gain traction.

If you already have a fundamental search strategy in place and want to take things to the next level with deeper understanding, it is preferred that you look out for Shopify Intermediate Guidelines for Ecommerce SEO.

7. Establish Referral Marketing

Referral marketing, as you must know is a word of mouth marketing, which is one of the earliest marketing methods around. It is an approach of promoting your product through referrals and positive word of mouth to attract and acquire new customers in a way that drives sales revenue and build awareness.

In this digital age, you can now use web to stimulate referral marketing even more. It not only allows you to reach to a larger audience, but also makes it very easy for them to share your content for higher online sales, as well as helps you in tracking its impact on your Shopify store revenue.

8. Capitalize on Reddit Advertising

Reddit ads are quite powerful yet cost effective. While they are not as common to business as they should be, there is more opportunity to stand out. You should definitely give it a try to promote your Shopify store and products by creating sponsored post in subreddits, pertaining to your nature of business.

There are plenty of ways of using it, for example talk about the products that your Shopify store is offering, any discount that your customers can avail, so on and so forth. All this helps in driving more traffic ultimately helping you to achieve your end goal of increasing Shopify store revenue.

9. Develop a Solid Blogger Outreach Plan

Blogger outreach is one the most effective and awesome methods to develop repute and prestige around your Shopify store and the product it offers to get it before interested customers. Find the authentic and legitimate bloggers and ask them to feature or review your storefront and its products.

If they have a really nice pool of people and an engaging audience that trusts their opinion, it could help a lot in bringing more shoppers to your Shopify store, creating a buzz and increasing your Shopify store revenue.

10. Run Retargeted Ads

Since it has become increasingly harder for online businesses to gain traction in the News Feed organically, paid retargeted advertisings on social media networks have become a vital aspect of many websites’ marketing strategies. You can use them to promote you Shopify store that could help in boosting its revenue.

There is also more control over targeting as to who you want to see and read your content, in contrast to being restricted to your existing audience for your organic initiatives. The best part is, you have to bear a very minimal cost for it.

As you run retargeted ads, you send ad to users or customers who have visited your Shopify store. These ads can be customized depending on their nature.

11. Design an Influencer Campaign

Today, influencer marketing has become one of the most significant form of marketing approaches. Design an influencer campaign by recognizing influencers that have involved audiences that represent your target group, you can simply pitch them to discuss sponsored post that features your Shopify store and its products.

Some influencers will ask for a no cost product in exchange for content, while others may demand payments in return, depending on their reach and the extent of their association. This is another way of boosting your Shopify store revenue, which surely involves very minimal efforts.

12. Devise Compelling Affiliate Programs

Should you be struggling to make sales and you don’t have the budget to employ marketing or sales help, consider adding an affiliate program to your store. Affiliate marketing programs permit other people to market your product for a certain percentage of commission. You are required to pay them only if they make any sale.

Affiliate programs commonly work by building a custom URL for every single person promoting your Shopify store that they can share on their social media network, in a blog post where they are reviewing your product or services, or even in a YouTube online video where they’re demonstrating it. Through these custom links, you’ll be able to trace who is driving more sales for you so you can remunerate them accordingly.

A little tad of education is favorable if you plan on introducing affiliates. You have to bear in mind that they are promoting your store, so in some sense they are actually managing a marketing function of your business. Therefore, if you don’t provide them with the best techniques, they can potentially craft up their own.

Wrapping Up

So, that concludes the 12 awesome, yet easy ways, to increase your Shopify store revenue and traffic. Hopefully, this blog will help you in increasing your Shopify store revenue by manifolds!

Please feel free to comment or reach out if you have any questions. In case you need any help with Shopify integration, Shopify migration or customization of your Shopify web store, please get in touch with us.



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