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Jquery Vs. React: Which One Is The Best Option To Create An App For Business?

jquery vs react

React and jQuery and libraries of Javascript that are known for delivering comparable results via different methods. Both of these libraries feature different and unique advantages and disadvantages. Jquery vs. react is a long discussion. However, we have narrowed down some differences and similarities between them. Let’s dive in!

jQuery came in 2006 when JavaScript was not that popular as it is now. jQuery changes the web user interfaces’ fate as it allowed developers to offer interactive experiences painlessly and easily. Simply to say, jQuery contributed to the industry’s revolutionization by helping developers to shift from developing primitive websites to exceptional web applications.

React development came in 2013, and by the year 2016, React gathered a huge fanbase. A large number of developers adopted it because it allowed them to embed HTML within JavaScript. The effortless and straightforward manipulation of HTML allowed developers to build advanced and sophisticated single-page apps.

User Interface Components

React is a JavaScript library that is used to make UI for single page web applications. However, you can use it for non-single page apps, but depending on the situation, it can be redundant or easily overkill.

Some say that jquery is more of a helper library as it offers functions to your code for performing several common tasks. One of the most popular things about jQuery was that it offered a user interface in order to deal with inconsistencies. However, it is not that important anymore because all browsers work nearly the same now.

Learning both will give you an edge. Neither of them can be declared the winner in this regard as their uses are different from one another. If you know about the basics of both libraries, you will be able to make the right decision.

Ease of Use

This one is a bit challenging to address as both of these libraries are used for different things.

If you are looking to add some flair to your business website, jQuery is what you should opt for. Such as trigger event button, adding animated menu for navigation.

You cannot use jQuery to build complex web applications that have multiple views and required advanced functionality.

On the other hand, React is the master when it comes to building complex web apps. The question is, why?

Well, React has been designed in a way o cater to the requirements of web applications that are different from typical web applications. Also, how you use its components, dictates the process of your web application development along with other factors.

Job Opportunities

Many well-known web applications use React as it has come a long way.

Some popular examples to create an app for business include Carmax, Instagram, Facebook, Dropbox, Netflix, TripAdvisor, Zillow, and Airbnb.

If we discuss React specifically, the rate of adoption is higher than jQuery, and the demand for Rect developers is high right now compared to the previous years.

React offers more job opportunities than jQuery. It’s more relevant, modern, and we cannot forget that developers at large enterprises and familiar with React’s potential.

Size of Library in KB

The most important thing about jQuery vs. react is the size of both in KB. When a developer is building a web app, his focus is to deliver the best user experience. Of course, users will feel agitated if the app takes forever to load. When a page is not responsive enough, no one will like to access it.

What most people do not know is that React’s library is large and exceptionally bloated. To some people, it is not that of a deal, but in actual it loads 20 percent less if you use a 3G network on your mobile device, which makes a considerable difference.

Third-Party Libraries

It is the nature of web development that if you are looking to do some upgrading and add some functionality to your application, the chances are that some other developer has already played that card and has introduced it as a library for other developers.

The Node Package Manager is well known and the largest Javascript library source all over the world.

Considering how old is jQuery, you can expect some more advanced libraries available to use. Node Package Manager came in 2010, which was after jQuery came into the picture, i.e., in 2006.

However, if we talk about the winner, React takes the crown when it comes to the number of available third-party libraries.

Technically, there is no actual winner in jQuery vs. React comparison as they both are used for solving different programming issues.

However, React is better than Jquery in most areas because it is a modern library and has a great community of developers. React’s future is bright, so developers might have to shift to React sooner.

Is jQuery faster than React?

React is obviously faster than React. React uses virtual Dom instead of traditional DOM that is used by jQuery.

Should I use React or jQuery?

jQuery makes the manipulation and interaction with DOM easier using several APIs and methods. React helps you to manage your pages’ state. However, React is more advanced and elegant. Plus, it has become popular in the web development industry.

Is it a good practice to use jQuery with React?

It is definitely not a good practice because React uses virtual DOM in place of a real DOM, which is why it is not familiar with the changes that are made outside of its DOM. If you use jQuery, which further manipulates the DOM, Reacts gets puzzled.

Why is ReactJS bad?

Businesses that utilize ReactJS perform better compared to those who depend on other frameworks. ReactJS helps keep the DOM from updating, which means that web applications will be better, responsive, and deliver the best user experience.