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Why you should start adopting Automated Testing today!

Automation Testing Code

Why Should I Learn Automation ?

Testing with Fast Pace:

Your current testing process might be working for you now, but as a tester, you should be striving for more ways to get faster and more effective when it comes to testing. In Manual testing, test cases get repeated making it quite hectic. Learning automation allows you to get regression tests out of the manner so you can concentrate on the fun things while enabling you to test more software in each sprint.

Automation Testing is now the Trend:

Companies have consistently embraced automation to enhance test effectiveness, and today, according to a study by a leading tech company, almost 50 percent tests cases are being automated and increasing. Automation testing is useful when frequently execution a same set of test cases.

Automation and Market Demand:

Test automation skills are becoming increasingly valuable with time, with the exercise of learning automation, more teams are getting on board. Being an automation engineer, you should know how to code and be familiar with some tools such as Appium, Selenium, and Cucumber as they will help you stand out when it comes time to make a career move. If you find yourself in the position where you’re looking for a new career in SQA, it will be advantageous to have at least a basic knowledge of automation and its corresponding technologies that the companies are embracing in these days.

Benefits Of Automation:

Automation testing can bring many advantages to your testing cycles, making it possible to create better and bug free apps with lesser effort. It also takes less time!

Saves Time & Optimizes Cost:

If we have 1000 cases of regression or functional testing, then it will take too much time when we think about manual testing, but if we automate it, it won’t take more than a few minutes. It definitely saves valuable time and resources which simply make an enormous difference to the overall timeline of the project.

Test Coverage

Sometimes lengthy tests that are often avoided during manual testing can be run unattended. Automated software testing can look inside an application and see memory contents, information tables, file contents, and inner state of the program to determine whether the item behaves as anticipated. During each test run, test automation can readily perform thousands of distinct complex test instances, which with manual test coverage is impossible.

Detection of Bugs in Earlier Stages:

Early bugs detection using static code analysis reduces future costs and prevents problem expansion in the production or implementation phases. Early defect detection benefits include:

Simulate Thousands of Users:

Getting 1000 concurrent users to connect to your application for testing, can it be done by manual testing? The answer is pretty simple, NO. Fortunately, there are many open source software which can help you to deal with these issues like JMeter, LoadRunner, LoadUI, etc.. These are the best tools to measure an application’s performance under drastic and high load conditions.

Steps to Move in Automation World:

Learn Programming Basics:

Learning any programming language is the very first step towards automation. But don’t worry, it’s never too late to learn. Although, do keep in mind that test automation is impossible without programming knowledge. We generally suggest starting with Python or Java as picking up for beginners are often easier and there are numerous online teaching resources like Coursera, Treehouse, and Codecademy. In addition, other abilities are often preferred, such as learning XML, API, HTML, CSS, XPATH, and SOAP.

Adopt Right Framework and Tool:

There are lots of frameworks, open source and third party tools, that we can use in automation. Selenium WebDriver is likely to be the basis of your automated testing strategy as it is the most common and convenient for any language you have learned. You can also get familiar with testing framework like Appium, Selenium and Cucumber.

What to Automate ?

We aren’t going to automate the complete system because we don’t do negative testing when thinking about automation. However, automation testing is best suited for Regression Testing, Smoke Testing, Performance Testing, Load Testing, or highly repeatable functional testing.