Best Magento Product Reviews & Ratings Extension – Comment and Rate with ease

magento ratings review extension

In this digital era, every store owner strives to build authenticity and trust by incorporating product reviews and testimonial in his store. Before making a buying decision online, a customer always searches for real-customer feedback about the product and its features because it is more trustworthy. Therefore, it is essential for every Magento store owner to have a Product Review and Reply Extension that will help them generate credibility for their products and cater to the queries of their customers.

According to a research by Spiegel Research Center in 2017:

95% of shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase


Why you shouldn’t use a free Magento product reviews extension?

The free Magento product reviews and ratings option looks too old and doesn’t allow commenting on customer’s reviews. Also, the default Magento product reviews feature doesn’t offer much functionality to the administrator which means that the store owner has less control over the comments and reviews people post.

Why choose Folio3’s Magento customer product review and ratings extension?

The ‘Product Review and Reply with Rating extension replaces the default product rating radio inputs with selectable stars and additionally, it includes “Reply to Customer Reviews” functionality for Magento administrator.

Magento Product Review Reply & Star Rating extension implements selectable stars based ratings which helps you collect customer’s feedback about the product in a better way. This extension also contains a new feature i.e the ability to respond/reply to customers who post product reviews. The replies to customer reviews will be visible to users on respective product pages. This extension works on both the default and RWD Magento themes.

The default free product review form doesn’t have start rating option and has a pretty outdated design. Furthermore, it doesn’t allow commenting or responding to the customer reviews which is a really important feature. This extension comes geared with both features that empower the site administrator with customer engagement opportunities. This Product Review and Ratings extension allows the admin to Enable/Disable customer reviews and Admin replies. The default Admin Reply heading is set to “Owner’s Reply”; you can change it as per your will.

Magento Product Reviews Extension Features – What’s new and different than the default Product Reviews Extension

The Product review extension is packed with features that provide ease of use to the admin and increase customer engagement and trust.

  • Replace the product rating radio inputs with stars.
  • Respond to Customers Reviews feature.
  • Backend configuration to Enable/Disable the extension.
  • Backend configuration to change admin reply heading text.
  • Works with both standard Magento themes: default and RWD.
  • Supports multiple ratings.
  • Ratings are validated before submission.
  • Implements the RateYo! jQuery star rating plugin.


Magento Product Reviews & Ratings Extension Pricing

The Magento customer testimonial extension is pretty affordable. You have to pay once and use the extension for a lifetime.

Magento Review Extension Price: $25

Buy Mahento Reviews and Rating Extension Now!


How to use Magento Reviews and Ratings Extension 

  1. Install the extension and clear the cache.
  2. Settings can be configured under System -> Configuration -> Star Reviews with Admin Reply.
    Product Reviews Extension backend
  3. Enable it from the backend configuration and the final result would be like below.


User Interface with Default Theme

Product review extension default theme

default review extension theme magento

User Interface with RWD Theme

Product review extension RWD theme

Magento Review Extension Compatibility

The Magento product reviews and ratings extension works on both the default and RWD Magento themes. The extension is build for Magento 1, but it can be customized for Magento 2 as well. Contact us if you want a custom product review and reply extension developed according to your store needs.



People buy products that have good customer rating and reviews. Customers also check out the responsiveness of the store owner by going through the product reviews. They are concerned about the fact if the store owner is replying to customer complaints and suggestions or not. These functionalities and actions influence a customer’s decision.

According to a research by Testimonial Engine:

72% of customers don’t take action until they have read reviews

So having a Product Review and Rating Extension on your store is not just a luxury, it’s a need!

Connect with us if you want a custom Magento Review and Ratings Extension built for your ecommerce store.



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