15 Ways to Boost your WooCommerce Store Traffic and Sales

15 Ways to Boost your WooCommerce Store Traffic and Sales

Optimizing your WooCommerce web store is essential for better conversions, sales and income. By following the guidelines below you will able to optimize your store to achieve these goals. From your Woocommerce store theme to tracking and altering your marketing efforts, you will learn a great of techniques to improve your Woocommerce online store returns.

Store Look and Navigation

The design of your Woocommerce web store should be simple, yet creative enough to keep your visitors engaged. The theme should be in line with your Woocommerce store’s personality and values. During holidays and festivals, modify your Woocommerce web store as per the occasion.

Good navigation is also very important for your Woocommerce online store, after all you want your customers to find what they are looking for and browse through your Woocommerce web store with ease without getting lost. The elements you need to concentrate are listed below:

  • Use enhanced navigation labels
  • List categories and sub-categories
  • Top level navigation should be clickable
  • Use common design and navigation patterns
  • Include a search bar

Call-to-Action Buttons

Your call-to-actions buttons should always be really clear, visible and clickable. You can make them appealing by using phrases like ‘clearance’, ‘now or never’ and ‘last chance to buy’ to create a sense of urgency.

Popups and Banners

Responsive banners are a good way to grab the attention of your visitors, more so if it is laced with the most appealing deals. Also, eye-catchy popups on different pages of your Woocommerce web store is a good way to increase your conversion rates. Use these to cash-on holiday and festive seasons, by showing your customers the deals they can not resist once it has been noticed.

Upselling & Cross-selling

Acquiring new customers is always a good thing, but a better thing would be to make the best of the customers you already have. You can do this by upselling and cross-selling products to visitors who are already interested in buying from you. You should always show better options and complementary products. There is also a need to communicate the benefits of the products you are recommending, justifying the extra cost.

Search Engine Optimization

You will lose out on a lot of traffic if your product does not show up on SERPs for relevant keywords. Your SEO strategy should therefore cover all on-page and off-page elements. From site speed to insertion of relevant highly searched words, there is a lot that goes into it. Most of it you can optimize. Then there is also the need to check if what you are doing is problem-free and getting you the desired results. For this you can get an SEO plugin that can scan and detect errors for you.

Social Media Marketing

To get more visitors to your Woocommerce online store, you should make effective use of social media platforms. Most of your existing or potential customers must be regular users of these platforms, so marketing efforts to driver traffic to your Woocommerce online store is essential by making the most of user generated content and increasing the shareability of your products. Getting influencers to market your products is also one of the most popular ways in which you can utilize these platforms to your advantage.

Facebook Store

Operating a multichannel store is always good for you. By listing your products on third party platforms, you will only be racking in extra profits. Facebook store is one such option. By displaying your products on Facebook you will also be able to attract customers to your Woocommerce store and increase the shareability of your catalogue.

Free Delivery Promotions

Free delivery promotions should be communicated to the customers effectively. Especially during festive and holiday seasons, clickable free delivery banners should be there on every page. If there is a condition set, then once the customer qualifies for free delivery, they should be congratulated. Free delivery promotions can also be used during off-season periods to boost sales.

A/B Testing

You should always A/B test your landing pages to see which page or elements are getting you the most clicks and conversions. You can check elements such are: product titles, images, links, customer reviews, call to action formatting and text, product descriptions and prices.

Checkout Process

If your cart abandonment rates are high and your customers are not going through the entire process, then simplifying your checkout process will help bring that down. Customers sometimes avoid extensive processes and therefore you should provide them with an alternative. Having your forms all on one and remembering customer details, should be introduced. There are plugins available to enhance your checkout process that you can make use of.

Live Chat & Customer Service

Customers do not like going through the hassle of writing emails and filling forms, and more importantly they want quick solutions to their queries. By introducing live chat to engage your customer and provide answers in real time. This will greatly impact the conversion rates and the bounce rate.

Reliable, speedy and quality-oriented customer service is always important for your business. Customer retention and your sales depend on good service more than anything else.

Loyalty Programs

By rewarding your customers you are giving them a reason to come back and shop some more. This also enhances customer loyalty. Introducing incentive based programs for family and friends would help you attract more people into your sales funnel. There are various plugins available, depending on how you want to treat your customers, you can choose one.

Email Marketing

Not only is growing your customer email address list essential but making effective use of it is also very important. Promotional, informative, along with automated email notifications should be creative and clear.

Especially the subject title, which should be brief but clear, and be able to cover the holiday theme and deals. These could also be curiosity-enhancing titles, enticing your customers to see what is on offer. Sending your customers regular updates is essentials for your promotions to have the desired results on your sales figures.

Multiple Payment Methods

To appeal to as many customers as possible, it is best to optimize your Woocommerce store for different payment methods.   Not all your customers would want to pay through the same method, therefore there should be options to pay with different credit cards, Paypal and even Bitcoin now. Support for this is available with Woocommerce.

Tracking, Analyzing and Optimizing Marketing Performance

You can not effectively run your business without tracking, analysing and taking steps to improve performance. Not everything you do will work for your business, which is why there is a constant need to keep a constant check on your sales funnel and making alterations to your marketing efforts.

You can integrate Google Analytics into your website or at the very least track reports provided by Woocommerce. It is an ongoing process and every improvement will just add to your growth.

Please feel free to comment or reach out if you have any questions. In case you need any help with Woocommerce development and integration , please get in touch with us.


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