How to Deploy ETL Processes on SpagoBI

How to Deploy ETL Processes on SpagoBI

First of all we need to Download SpagoBI from here

We have to download All-In-One-SpagoBI-5.2.0 and run it. After creating SpagoBI by using Talend studio as shown in our blog named “How to create ETL job by using Talend” we will deploy it on SpagoBI and schedule it.

Next, we will go to home page and select “Document Development” -> “Custom Document” (or any folder) -> “Create Document” -> “Generic Document”. It will open a window where we need to configure document for our deployed ETL process.

etl processes


  1. Label of document
  2. Name of document
  3. Description of document
  4. From the dropdown we select ETL Process
  5. In engines we select Talend Engine
  6. In data source we select source database of destination as it is optional
  7. And then we have to insert xml template of our deployed Talend ETL job on SpagoBI.


xml document contains XML like: 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <job context="Default" jobName="test" language="java" project="Project"/>


Insert this xml document in the template and then save the document.

Next step involves creating SpagoBI document for Talend Etl process. So schedule this document by selecting “Repository Management” -> “Schedular” from the left panel. It opens another window shown in figure.

etl processes

Click on Scheduler to open it in a new window as shown in the figure below.

etl processes

From here we click on Add button and then add new scheduler as shown.

etl processes

In order to add scheduler we have to fill the fields listed below:

  1. Name
  2. Description
  3. And then click “+” button to add document which we want to schedule such as our ETL document.

Save this configuration we have to add configuration of schedule for running it.

etl processes

Click on bottom tab “Scheduletions” add button and it will open a window shown in figure.

etl processes

For Scheduletion we have to fill the fields below:

  1. Name
  2. Description
  3. Start Date
  4. Start Time
  5. End Date
  6. End Time
  7. Select any option that when it will execute

There are some other options as well such as you can also sent this document in email to any one by configure Send Email and so on.

After saving this configuration, our ETL document will be successfully configured and will run on scheduled time.


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