A Definitive Guide on WooCommerce Online Store Optimization

A Definitive Guide on WooCommerce Online Store Optimization

What’s better than having something to offer and know there’s a business opportunity for it? Individuals are out there, searching for your one of a kind products but there is a cutthroat competition. So what’s needed? You require a compelling approach to contact and reach out to these potential customers.

There are a huge number of different merchants like you who are utilizing various ecommerce platforms to reach online customers. The question here is, what should be done to create an effective and robust online store to achieve the sales target and pool in more customers?

The best response lies in making a WooCommerce store. Know why? It’s the most powerful, advanced and customizable than any other ecommerce frameworks present today. All the more imperatively, latest ecommerce stats of 2018 demonstrate that it’s six times more in demand than any of its rivals.

Utilizing the best ecommerce platform puts you right on the track as well as ahead from the very beginning, so you must choose wisely.

Now let’s have a look at how you can create an effective WooCommerce store to bring in more business.

Understand the Potential of Ecommerce Market

As the need of the Internet keeps on rising at an exponential rate, an ever increasing number of individuals are buying products and services online. This is fundamentally because of both convenience to find what one needs, as well as analyze a great number of products available online instantly and effortlessly.

The scale of the ecommerce business is humongous, globally. As per the recent statistics, ecommerce sales tend to increase by 14.6%, which is approximately up to $4 trillion! This clearly shows how great the potential in the ecommerce business is today.

This doesn’t only corresponds to the large retailers, even the smaller retailers can largely benefit from it by expanding their client base internationally, especially when they use Content Management System (CMS) platforms, for example, WordPress and store manufacturers like WooCommerce. To be precise, online sales hint at no abating, it is indeed a great era to start an ecommerce site.

Significance of WooCommerce in Ecommerce World

As WordPress picked up the momentum, demand for a robust, usable and customizable ecommerce solution raised. WooCommerce, when first established in 2011, was created by WooThemes, which were essentially a theme store only at the time that focused on the design and interface more than the usability.

Nonetheless, WooCommerce turned out to be the most promising solution for ecommerce businesses.Recent study shows, WooCommerce is utilized by around 42% of every single online store in 2018. It is downloaded around 40-50,000 times each day, i.e. more than ten downloads every minute. Reason being, its super simple to install, maintain and run.

In addition, there are several free and premium extension plugins made by excellent developers that can enormously advance WooCommerce’s core functionality. Click here to find out the list of the best WordPress plugins.

Explore the Right Theme for Your WooCommerce Store

The most essential part of setting up an online business is the overall design and user interface of your website especially if it’s an ecommerce store. The shoppers or visitors visiting your store expect a tidy and smooth shopping experience with optimized page speeds and a very direct and seamless UI.

The users make an immediate decision as soon as they land to your web store whether they are going to stay and look around for the products they are in need of or choose to go to your rival instead.

While it is important that your store is visually appealing, it is equally important that your store is usable and functional to engage the shoppers and create a memorable user experience. Individuals tend to shape a conclusion about a site in a second or two, the less difficult and more intelligent the design, the better the impression you will have in that significant window of time.

Design truly matters. An eye catching yet exquisite design combined with a direct and memorable shopping experience helps in developing a significant level of trust and dedication.

Augment User Experience

The most essential aspects of a great web design is convenience and clear browsing. Store visitors need to know where they are constantly, and must have the capacity to finish a purchase smoothly without hardly lifting a finger. Possibility is, if the navigation on your WooCommerce store is poor or isn’t clear enough to let the visitors know how can they go from A to B, potential customers will leave your store and switch to your rivals.

Even smaller things, for that matter, like testing spacing and white space in your navigational callouts on mobile versus desktop can have a major effect! According to the recent study, there is a lift of approximately 20% in the conversion rate after adding spacing between two navigational callouts on the desktop version of the site.

Assure Usability Testing

Usability is a crucial part of any web store design’s quality assurance. You can follow the link for usability testing that should be considered as a fundamental part of your quality assurance process. Besides, it gives you precious data and information on how potential, as well as existing, customers view your store and utilize it.

Conduct A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing is essentially an experiment in which you make two or more versions of the same page and measure which one is more viable. It is a system that almost all the developers’ attempt, especially in the event when you need to apply extensive changes to your store, let’s say, including another category of the product, etc.

It is likewise a very successful technique to decide if any change in the design will increase the conversions before you focus on rolling out any improvements on the live version of your WooCommerce store.

A/B testing eliminates the uncertainty that is mostly connected with store optimization and is a very effective way to assess the impact of the changes on key metrics like, conversion rates, etc. This process may seem tedious and tiresome, but it is definitely worth carrying out since it has a lot of advantages that can help you boost up online sales of your WooCommerce store.

There are many things that you can test during A/B testing, including but not limited to, links, price, product titles, product depictions, customer surveys, images, call to activity content and organizing, etc.

You might require professional assistance for A/B testing or split testing as it can become complex at times. You can have an in-depth knowledge of the same by clicking here.

Optimize Page Load Time

The speed and unwavering quality of your WooCommerce store can have a significant effect. In the event that your webpage take a lot of time to load, the shoppers and visitors will instantly click away and move to another store. To make sure that your store is sufficiently optimized on the page speed, you must take corrective measures. You can also follow the link to better know how you can improve the performance of your WooCommerce store.

Ensure Security

For any online store, security is the most important aspect. Therefore, you must take security elements in consideration when setting up your WooCommerce store. The more customers you have on your store, the more it is necessary to ensure the security.

Since the cyber frauds are so common these days, customers are more vulnerable and therefore demand secure online experiences. Even a hint of doubt on security in a customer’s mind can lead them to leave your store right away.

Hence, security must be taken very seriously, and fortunately, WordPress gives you an incredible platform where you can quite easily add extra layers of security to your WooCommerce store.

Unique Product Descriptions

We all know that quality written content makes all the difference, and WooCommerce stores are no special case. While optimizing your WooCommerce store it is extremely imperative that you compose engaging, informative and unique content.

Google doesn’t like you duplicating the content on your store at all, therefore it is very essential for you to create unique product descriptions for each of the products so that you have better search rankings and hence better traffic and conversions on your WooCommerce store.

Add Distinctive Product Images

Once your WooCommerce store’s security is sorted and you’ve created unique product descriptions for each of your products, it’s time that you focus on the product images. These images have a great impact on your store visitors and can incredibly influence their purchase decision. Having distinctive shots with multiple angles can result in a great value to both, your customers and your business.

WooCommerce particularly offers great features and among them is the functionality of 360 degree product images that gives a detailed and thorough overview of what is the look and feel of the product, hence enabling customers to make accurate purchase decisions. You must use as many product images as possible along with all the color variations that the product is offering so that customers have more options to choose from.

Produce Product Videos to Market

Creating product videos is always a great way to market your product as it gives your customer a reason to believe and convince them to make purchases. There is more to that, optimizing your WooCommerce store with product videos also helps you in gaining additional bonus points from Google, as well as attract those customers who do not like to read long product descriptions or appreciate looking through product images.

You must keep in mind that your video content can be posted on number of video sharing platforms, including but not limited to YouTube, Vimeo, etc. This helps in creating significant backlinks as well as creates awareness about your products and services, which ultimately lead to more traffic.

Optimize your Store for SEO

If you want your products to be found on Google then you must optimize your WooCommerce store for SEO. You can focus on both off-page and on-page SEO, latter being a fundamental step in the optimization process.

As an initial step, you must look out for large and small competitors, as well as do keyword research. Usually, competitors give you a good know-how of the keywords and helps you in refining the keywords lists based on which keywords must be targeted. There are a lot tools and techniques available online that could help you optimize your WooCommerce store for SEO. Few of the excellent tools is Moz browser extensionand SEMrush that helps you in looking at and identify the keywords that your rivals are ranking for their homepage and main product pages.

With regards to SEO, structure of your WooCommerce store plays a very important role. You must ensure that you have a very well optimized sitemap, as well as a very well-organized and systematic website structure. Furthermore, right amount of words should be used in the product descriptions, i.e. not too long and not too brief.

Also, each of the product pages must be rightly optimized using appropriate keywords and product names in the permalink and main product title. Link building, as well, is equally important and have a significant role. Having lots of quality backlinks, customers and guests’ reviews, discussions, shares, etc. can work wonders for your WooCommerce store’s SEO as it reflects very positively on your site.

Having said that, you must also know that over optimizing your webpages with keywords can have can have an adverse impact on your rankings as you may get penalized by Google. Therefore, create content that is more natural to read while keeping your end customers in mind, instead of trying hard to position a particular keyword or phrase, when writing the content.

Optimize Checkout Process

The checkout procedure on any ecommerce store is extremely hard to get right. You must make sure that customers get to make the purchases and check out with as minimum clicks as possible. While crafting any kind of online order form you should have these three queries as your primary concern:

  1. Reasons for customers to place order on your WooCommerce store.
  2. If there is any possibility of negative event when placing order.
  3. Ways in which a customer can order your product.

Use Live Chat for better Customer Service

Customer service plays a vital role in contributing to profitable business. Therefore, you must ensure to have an impeccable customer service present on your WooCommerce storefront and for that purpose you can use live chats to make the shoppers feel valued.

There are a number of benefits of a live chat, including but not limited to, promptness in answering customer query, helping customer to save time and cost by contacting directly online instead of waiting on the telephone, queues, etc.

Build Trust

Gaining customer’s trust for an online business is very important. You should be coming out with strategies to gain as much trust as you can for your WooCommerce store. There are a number of ways by which you can build the trust, few of them are, posting customer reviews, video testimonials, using brand ambassadors and influencers, allowing user generated content, mentioning press releases, creating pages vital for your WooCommerce store, etc.

Create an Email List

Gathering client’s email addresses is a fundamental component of the purchasing procedure. If you are not doing it then you are missing out on a big marketing opportunity. You should be creating an email list for your WooCommerce store by using services of MailChimp or AWeber, which can be easily integrated with your WooCommerce site.

When you have list of the customers ready, you can send out regular and follow up emails that encourage and motivates them to buy from your store again. Click here if you want to learn more about email marketing.

Track and Monitor your Performance

When you have your WooCommerce store up and running and all of the aforementioned strategies are well implemented, it’s time for you keep the track and monitor your performance while regularly optimizing your store since it’s an ongoing process that never stops.

You must look out for issues and improvements on your site, keep on adding content, improvising product descriptions, revising keywords and key phrases, etc. as per the changing needs of your customers. There are numerous web tools to monitor performance of your WooCommerce store, click here to learn more.

In a nutshell, optimization is as critical today as it has ever been if you want to run a successful WooCommerce store. You need to be on your toes to optimize it regularly by using various web tools and techniques along with all the right strategies. As we all know competition is furious, however you do have a superb shot of succeeding should you follow the strategies mentioned above.

And that’s it!

Please feel free to comment or reach out if you have any questions. In case you need any help with installation, integration, upgradation and customization of your WooCommerce web store, please get in touch with us.


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